Simplex-IT CEO Educates Political Leaders About Information Technology In DC Meeting

February 27, 2018. Stow, OH.

Information Technology has become a mainstay in the country, and political leaders showed good levels of interest by turning up to get some education at the annual “DC Fly-in” event sponsored by CompTIA.

Since inception, the CompTIA event has proven to be impactful year after year as testimonials from attendees suggest. There was a lengthy list of attendees at the event, including Simplex-IT CEO, Bob Coppedge, who featured as an Ohio representative alongside Carlton Ramsey (Past president of the Akron Chapter AITP).

Bob had an eventful day educating political leaders about Information Technology on the DC Fly-in event themed, "CHANCE in Tech Act of 2018". Topics discussed spanned across skilled workforce, nationwide broadband access and the future of Blockchains.

Simplex-IT CEO, Bob, gave what many called a powerful lecture about the needs of both the Tech industry (organizations that create, support and/or maintain IT products and services) and Tech Occupation (people with IT jobs but in non-IT organizations). In his insightful speech, Bob talked up the chances of bridging the skills gap that plagues young people who are out there trying to get a job.

The failings of internship programs and paid education were pointed out by Bob. The Simplex-IT CEO expressed his dissatisfaction about interns who are made to spend most of their time doing unnecessary meager tasks at their supposed places of experience. The necessity of paid education was also questioned by the passionate guy.

The event, “Chance in Tech Act in 2018”, had a major agenda of bringing back the previously effective concept where apprentices gain experiences in a company where they will go on to serve as full-time employees. It is a concept Bob calls, “a win-win relationship”.

Patti Smerk

About Patti Smerk

Simplex-IT, Chief Operating Officer:

Patti is the COO at Simplex-IT. She has an array of qualifications and experience including a PMP (Project Management Professional certification), a BS in Computer Science and Information Systems, and an MBA with a focus on Project Management and Organizational Development. Having grown up in the IT world, she gained valuable experience working in internal IT for a manufacturing company, handling roles from help desk to systems analysis. She then went into software and technical training, followed by IT consulting for local small to mid-sized clients, and eventually government consulting and large scale enterprise project management. Seeking a new challenge and an opportunity to make more of a direct impact locally, Patti joined Simplex-IT in 2014 . With her strategic vision and IT expertise, Patti ensures operational success as the COO, and enjoys driving teams towards shared goals.

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